Eran Halperin
I am a real believer in "bottom-up" processes, as well as in the power of the people to create social change
My research uses psychological and political theories and methods to investigate different aspects of inter-group conflicts
Eran Halperin
I'm currently a full professor of psychology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
My research uses psychological and political theories and methods to investigate different aspects of inter-group conflicts. More specifically, I am interested in widening the understanding regarding the psychological roots of some of the most destructive political ramifications of inter-group relations – e.g., intolerance, exclusion and inter-group violence and conflict.
Most of my studies concentrate on the role of emotions and emotion regulation in determining public opinion towards peace and equality, on the one hand, and war and discrimination, on the other.
I am a real believer in "bottom-up" processes, as well as in the power of the people to create social change. Hence, my entire work focuses on the peoples' perspectives, aspiring to uncover ways to set social change in motion towards democracy and peace. The unique case of Israeli society in general, and of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in particular, motivates my work and inspires my thinking, and, hence, most of my studies are conducted within the context of this "natural laboratory".
The following questions set the foundations for most of my work:
What is the role of inter-group emotions in determining public support for war and peace?
How can we overcome some of the emotional barriers to conflict resolution?
What are the psychological mechanisms that lead to prejudice, hatred, political exclusionism and intolerance towards minority groups?